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School Counseling Simplified Podcast

Jun 27, 2023

One thing that counselors always ask me is how are they possibly going to squeeze in all the things they have to do. It can be incredibly overwhelming! But I have found a way that you can look at what needs to be done, streamline your day, and make the impact we know you can make!





Summer is the perfect time to...

Jun 20, 2023

If you’ve ever had a student who struggled with separation anxiety and cried as they got out of the car, you likely wished you had some strategies you could use to help the student. As counselors (and mothers), a lot of us have experience with children who struggle with separation anxiety and could really use some...

Jun 13, 2023

Trauma affects everybody, not just certain communities. It is so incredibly important that school counselors are able to support our students who have experienced trauma in positive and impactful ways. Knowing how to best support our students who have childhood trauma can be challenging and I am so glad that Joyce...

Jun 6, 2023

Books are an incredibly powerful tool, especially when it comes to counseling. They allow for students to relate to the characters, help them to find solutions to problems, and so much more! Our guest today, Laura Filtness is a self-proclaimed book nerd who has found amazing ways to incorporate books into her counseling...