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School Counseling Simplified Podcast

Sep 28, 2021

Today is extra exciting because we have a veteran counselor on the show, Terry Foytek. Terry has been a school counselor for 25 years and is a student in my online course, Stress Free School Counseling. This goes to show that Stress Free School Counseling is not just for new counselors or for counselors with 3-5 years...

Sep 24, 2021

If you have been considering joining my Stress Free School Counseling course, then this episode is for you. I don’t have guest episodes often, but I had to introduce you to one of my Stress Free School Counseling alumni, Kaylena. I hope any questions you have are answered after listening to her real-life testimonial!

Sep 21, 2021

Do you constantly feel like you are putting out fires rather than preventing them? Or maybe you take work home regularly to catch up because of all the distractions throughout the day. In this episode I will give you a solution to these never-ending problems. It all starts with scheduling, and I don’t mean when...

Sep 14, 2021

There are two things I suggest you focus on first and foremost as the school year begins. The first one is data collection, which I talked about during my last episode. The second is organization, which may not come so easy to school counselors. I feel like teachers tend to have this under control with their flair pens...

Sep 7, 2021

By now, you may know how much I LOVE data collection, and there’s a good reason for it! Collecting and sharing data is the best way to measure growth and advocate for your role as a school counselor. I know what you may be thinking right now - It’s only September. Why are we already talking about data?

Here’s the...